
Notification Toggle Apk v2.5.5 | Free Download

Notification Toggle v2.5.5

Turn on WiFi, Bluetooth, Flashlight and much more from your notification bar!

Notification Toggle creates notifications in the Android status bar to let you quickly switch WiFi, Bluetooth, Silent mode, Screen rotation and Flight mode on and off or to adjust the screen brightness.
You can also add shortcut to your own apps into the notification bar!

In the settings, you can choose which notifications should be active. All icons & colors can easily be changed through the app for full customization!

Whats New:Notification Toggle v2.5.5 Free Apk Download
- toggling and battery updating is now execute in a new thread which should prevent ANR errors and crashes on older devices
- USB tethering toggle now opens tether settings if no USB device is connected
- translations
- Notification Toggle v2.5.5 Apk
- changed some default icons
- added 'Alarm' toggle which displays next alarm & opens clock app
- airplane toggle requires root on Android 4.2
- notification not collapsing on Android 4.2 fixed
- second status bar icon now changeable
- status text disappearing fixed


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